最初はグラブが楽しくて、的もないのに水球をお供に駆け回っていました! 真四角写真やSSの魅力に取り憑かれたのは、重力フォトコンの開催があったからこそ(*´-`) 今のゲームライフに繋がるきっかけをくれたことに感謝!
Character Designer Award
“Happy Summer, Everyone!”
When I first played the game, I had fun just using my stasis to run around with water balls. I didn’t even need to have a target!
I became obsessed with taking square gravity photos and screenshots because of all the gravity photo contests. (*´-`)
Thank you for providing me with my current gaming obsession.
– Sena☽ @SR_MonFavori
Kat’s upturned eyes here are like something out of an idol’s photo album, giving a slightly different and fresh feel from the usual photos. The colors are also very beautiful.
– Character Designer & Art Director, Shunsuke Saito